In order to prepare your stay in France, make sure you start your application on Etudes en France:
Short stay visas (0-3 months)
The Schengen short-stay visa (visa Schengen court séjour) lets you enter and remain in a country in the Schengen area for a maximum period of 90 days. Depending on your nationality or your situation, you may not need it. As with tourism and business, taking a short training program, doing an internship, working after obtaining a temporary work permit are valid reasons for being granted a Schengen short-stay visa.
Unlike a long stay visa, it does not authorize you to live in France. After the 90 days, you must leave the Schengen area.
Long stay visas (3+ months)
The long-stay visa valid as a residence permit for students (visa long séjour valant titre de séjour "étudiant", abbreviated to VLS-TS "étudiant") allows you to stay in France from four months to one year to pursue higher education studies.
It must be validated upon your arrival in France. If you would like to continue your studies after it expires, you may apply for a multi-annual residence permit (carte de séjour pluriannuelle).
It entitles the holder to:
- travel freely in all the countries of the Schengen Area;
- work 964 hours per year, i.e. 20 hours per week, to supplement their financial resources;
- use the VISALE, the free security deposit service for students,
- receive a rental subsidy from the CAF (caisse d'allocations familiales),
- extend their stay beyond the period of validity of the issued residence permit.
How can I apply for a Student Visa?
The main document to provide besides your other documents in order to get a Student Visa is an acceptance letter from a French university or a French learning center.
After receiving the acceptance letter from the university/language center, here are the steps to follow in order to proceed with your application:
1. Register in Etudes en France and create a file online by adding all the requested documents ;
2. Submit your file on Etudes en France. Campus France will process your request and a payment will be requested in order to finalize the validation.
3. Go to the Campus France interview. It will take place either in the French Embassy in Riyadh or in the General Consulate of France in Jeddah. This appointment will enable you to meet with Campus France advisors who will be able to give you advice regarding your studies and recommend your project. If your application is complete, you will be given an authorization to submit your visa application to VFS Global service.
4. Book an appointment with VFS (Visa Application Center).
5. Register on and create a visa application. Download the PDF document after completing the registration on france-visas, print it and sign it.
6. With your complete file and the authorization of the French Campus France advisors, submit your application to VFS Global service in Riyadh, Jeddah or Al Khobar. They will instruct your application in relation with the French Embassy and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and an answer will be given to you within 15 days.
For more information regarding the steps, please follow this guide:

Campus France Riyadh
Email :
Telephone : (+966) (011) 434 41 71
Campus France Jeddah
Email : /
Telephone : (+966) (012) 610 89 42
Campus France Khobar
Telephone: +966 50 368 9603