France has a world renowned reputation for many different factors: its language, its culture, its brands, its lifestyle, but also the quality of its higher educational system.
The excellence in higher education and research in France is widely acknowledged around the world. Numerous French universities and Grandes Ecoles place highly in the most reputable international rankings. Nowdays, 19 French universities are ranked in the top 500 Shanghai ranking and 35 in the QS ranking.
Studying in France means benefiting from this recognition, which has been built over the last centuries, as France has a long tradition of Education with hundred years old universities like Sorbonne.
The excellence of Higher Education and Research in France is particularly renown thanks to the exceptional achievements of French researchers. With 13 Fields Medals, France is second in the world in mathematics. It has also had sixty-two Nobel Prize winners, including Marie Curie, the first woman to receive a Nobel for Physics in 1903.
Last awarded French scholars and personalities: Jean Tirol, Cédric Vilani, Patrick Modiano.
In France, we say that we have a two-sided or dual system as it is composed of mainly two types of higher educational institutions:
- University
In the French higher education, the following degrees are recognized by the Bologna Process (EU and world recognition): Licence and Licence Professionnelle (bachelor's degrees), and the comparably named Master and Doctorat degrees. Higher education in France is organized in three levels, which correspond to those of other European countries, facilitating international mobility: the Licence and Licence Professionnelle (bachelor's degrees), and the Master's and Doctorat degrees. The Licence and the Master are organized in semesters: 6 for the Licence and 4 for the Master.
- Grandes Écoles
The grandes écoles of France are elite higher-education establishments. They are generally focused on a single subject area (e.g., engineering or business), have a small size (typically between 100 and 300 graduates per year), and are highly selective. They are widely regarded as prestigious, and most of France's scientists and executives have graduated from a Grande Ecole. They have the same system than the universities, the only difference is smaller number of selected students and generally speaking the higher difficulty of the entrance exam. There are public and private Grande Ecole.

In regard to the value of your diploma, do not worry! French higher education has adopted the LMD system. Most degrees that it awards also give ECTS credits that are recognized by many countries in the European Union and around the world.
The value of a French higher education diploma is guaranteed by the State when it's a French diploma, a degree certified by the French Ministry of Education ("diplôme visé") or titles registered on the RNCP (French Directory of Professional Certifications).
For various "Grandes Ecoles" and Business/Engineering schools, the quality of training and diplomas may also be certified by independent organizations issuing accreditations or labels.
The quality of higher education in France is the result of long-term and continuous political vision. Each year, public authorities invest massively in education and research. Education is the State's biggest budget item, representing over 20% of the budget.
This policy has enabled France to provide students with one of the best systems of higher education in the world and the most accessible at the same time. French universities and Grandes Ecoles offer high-quality training without imposing unaffordable tuition and fees:
The state will thus cover two thirds of the cost of your training. The total registration fee that you will be required to pay will be:
- €2,770 per year at the licence (bachelor) level
- €3,770 per year at the master level
- €380 per year at Doctorat level
- €9000 average per year for any private Grande école
All of the training provided in our universities is associated with accredited research laboratories and the expertise of experienced professors. Regardless of what you are studying, in France, you will always be alongside committed experts.