Short professionally oriented programs are an important part of the French system of higher education.
BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur)
The Brevet de TechnicienSupérieur (BTS) is a 2-year French national post-secondary diploma in 88 specialty fields that has been harmonized with the European LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat) degree ladder. The aim is to train and teach students the appropriate technical skills and expertise in order to begin their career immediately after receiving their diploma.A wide range of specialties are offered and theygo from engineering and technology to tourism, management and arts.
Admissions to a BTS program are usually selective and based on the applications submitted by the students. However, theymust hold at least a high school diploma that enables them to enter higher education. Short and dedicated to training,BTS programs are generally 2 years and taught either in a public or private secondary school, commonly called lycée, or in a vocational training center. Each year during the second semester, students must spend 14 to 18 weeks in internships coordinated by a faculty tutor in order to learn about the world of work.
Tuition and fees vary by type of institution: public secondary schools require a registration fee only, private secondary schools under contract with the government require between 300 and 900€, and other institutions under no government contract will require from 1,500 to 6,000€.
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DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie)
Just like BTS, the Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT) is a 2-year French national post-secondary diploma in 88 specialty fields that has been harmonized with the European LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat) degree ladder.The DUT is earned in 113 university-based institutes of technology known as IUTs that provide training in 24 different manufacturing and service specialties.
Known for preparing students for a rapid transition to skilled employment, the DUT requires a lot of studies and hardwork. Classes last between 35 and 40 hours each week, divided into lectures, labs, sections, and demonstrations by active professionals in the field.
DUT programs are open to holders of French or foreign high school diploma. However, the specialization of the high school diploma must correspond to the DUT specialty to which the student is applying.Not only the admissions are very selective and made based on the student’s academic record, but they sometimes require tests and individual interviews in order to get analyze the student’s application.
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BTS and DUT graduates can enroll later on in a Licence Professionelle.

Licence professionnelle
The professional Licence enables students who have completed 2 years of postsecondary education (BTS or DUT) to earn bachelor’s degree after 1 year of intensive additional study.What makes the Professional Licence different than the regular licence is the professional internships that students have to go through and the involvement of practicing professionals during the 2 semesters.
The ProfessionalLicence programs are ideally suited for students who seek a professional bachelor degree and who want to focus on a specific field that combines academic and professional perspectives. Over 2 semesters, students will have 15 to 20 hours of small classes each week. Examinations, attendance (mandatory), and participation all play a role in determining semester grades.
The major sectors that hire graduates of Professional Licence programs are usually insurance, banking, and finance; civil engineering; carpentry and woodworking; and mechanics, electricity, and electronics.