As a resident in Saudi Arabia, you will benefit from the "Etudes en France" (EeF) procedure. This single online service is meant to gather all university enrollment procedures up until the visa request.
Regardless of your situation, the Campus France office in KSA will keep being by your side to help you complete the required procedures.
Here is how the procedure "Etudes en France" works:
Create your private electronic file and follow the instructions. If necessary, contact us for more information. During the procedure, it is also fundamental to communicate with the institute you wish to enroll in.

You are concerned by the Etudes en France procedure if you are in the following cases:
If you wish to enroll in a first of Bachelor AND you're preparing an equivalent degree (High school diploma) AND have acquired a B1 or B2 level in French.
You you must follow the Etudes en France procedure and fill in the "Demande d'Admission Préalable" - DAP (Preliminary Admission Request).

If you are enrolling in an exchange program or wish to continue your studies in France from the 2nd OR 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree, OR for a Master's degree, OR a DUT.
You must follow the Etudes en France procedure until you obtain a student visa.

Those who are not concerned by Etudes en France:
Students preparing a French Baccalauréat (or European Baccalauréat).
They must enter their academic choices on the Parcours Sup platform. -
Those who wish to enroll in a doctorate program.
They can check the Campus France catalogues to find the institutes that correspond to their field. Then, they may contact the Doctoral schools that offer the corresponding research subjects.

Important: "Etudes en France" will also be your platform for a student visa request. Therefore no matter what procedure you choose to apply to a French university (DAP, Master's degree or PhD or exchange program), you have to go through Etudes en France in order to apply for your student visa.
Follow the mini-guides in order to start your visa application: